He May Hear You, But Is He Really Listening

Look. Touch. Name calling. There are many ways to redirect your dogs attention from stimuli back to you. But are you just distracting them? Or are they really learning to work through that moment and just focus on you? When you talk to your dog, are you using ‘words’ that they understand?

dog listening

Oftentimes I’ll come across a client who has done all of the above, and then some, to try and correct and redirect their dogs behavior in a tight situation. And most of the time, the success is not long lasting. Why? Because in that moment, the dog did not truly understand what you meant behind the Leave it, or the No, or the Hey. Humans are verbal creatures who are prone to having conversations to try and work out an issue. Dogs are not conversationalists….in that way. The beauty behind a dog is that you don’t have to say much! They thrive off of great energy and a calm but firm touch. Dogs converse with each other all the time through their energy and touch. Things only get vocal when something is really spinning out of control. The power behind a leash means that, used appropriately, you too can communicate in a similar fashion with your dog. Instead of negotiating the terms of the situation, show them what you mean. Have them feel what you mean when you say No or Let’s Go. Because this is a lingo that makes sense to them, they will not be confused! Instead they will be so happy that you both are finally on the same page  that they will repeat that same behavior over and over again. And won’t that be great!

So do me a favor, for the rest of the day don’t talk to your dog. Instead, just exist with them. Use your energy and your presence to convey your message. It’s some of the best therapy out there, all for the price of a nice belly rub at the end of the day:)


Moving Mayhem


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